Our Services
You’ve got to make it fun!
Let us turn your people onto your incentive program.
Traditionally, top performers always over-achieve. It’s the 80/20 rule. With a professionally structured incentive program we can help awaken the power within the middle- of- the- pack performers.
We can design the right program for your company.
We will DESIGN the right program for you
We talk to you and make it easy for your participants to find their way around. .
If you want more sales, greater margins, better product knowledge and customer service you can brag about – a carefully crafted incentive program can deliver all of this, as well as motivate, reward and improve your bottom line.
We constantly COMMUNICATE and drive your program
We tell the target audience how they are performing – whether by sales results or points balances.
Awareness of the program is imperative to its success. Websites, EDM’s, SMS and social media should always all be used in conjunction with each other.
We MEASURE and EVALUATE performance levels throughout the duration of the program.
Tracking, reporting and analysing the program are merely a click or two away.
Our user-friendly interface enables clients to view and edit all relevant information online. One-off promotions can be added according to need or seasonality.